Thursday, July 26, 2012

UP Babaylan and UP Cineastes' @ Cinemalaya goes to UP : MNL 143

UP Babaylan and UP Cineastes' Studio

together with the UP Film Institute

present the screening of
MNL 143

8pm August 14, 2012

Don't miss the most controversial Filipino film of the year!

Tickets for sale at P80 each.

You may call/text 09178216453/09175497881 for purchase/reservations or approach any UP Babaylan member.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

UP Babaylan x Rock the House for the RH Bill

UP Babaylan encourages everyone to join and ROCK THE HOUSE 4 THE RH BILL this Saturday, July 21, 9am at Mendiola. Let's then continue rocking the House of Representatives for the RH Bill on August 1. The march to congress will begin with a dialogue with the CHR Chair at the CHR building, it will start at 3pm.

See you there!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

UP Babaylan x ILGA Feature : 2012 UP PRIDE MARCH

The University of the Philippines Babaylan celebrated the UP Pride Week on June 25-29, 2012.

This year's UP Pride Week Theme is "Educate to End the Hate". As a student organization, we recognize the relevance of education to our advocacy of promoting LGBT Rights as Human Rights.

Education is key to addressing discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Through education, we can make society understand why Gender Equality is of utmost importance, especially in an academic setting such as the University of the Philippines - the State University of the Philippines. UP Babaylan, together with more than 30 LGBT organizations, ally organizations, student formations, and student councils from various universities will come together on June 28, 2012 at the Biggest Student-led Pride March in the Philippines - THE 2012 UP PRIDE MARCH.
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